Modern Film

Modern film has strayed away from its past with each leap forward into a new technology age. Film used to be about the acting and the storyline and had close ties to the real world around it. Today movies are starting to focus more and more on futuristic concepts, or at least the ones that make the most money are. As CGI and other computer-based animation have hit the scene, more movies are coming out that center around superheroes or science fiction adventures. We focus less on the acting and more so on what special effects go into the film, and I think this takes away from what the industry started on. Movies use to be about taking a story and bringing it to life selling each character as a real person and making them relatable to viewers. Now it’s all about what will bring the most money in and have the most media attention. It is hard to find a movie in theaters that is highly thought of that still harkens back to those old film principles. I think this is hurting the future of acting and changing the course of the film industry into a whole new direction where the already rare acting focused movies will soon become things of the past and movies with the coolest animation or special effects will start to win awards and be called classics for future generations.


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