
I am not sure if it is just me, but I have found that this play moves sort of slowly. I would say I have not been excited about any of the plot so far. I think it’s the long speeches that drag the thrill of the play down it is like there is three speeches for every one second of action. I understand it is meant to be a drama and not a thriller but at some point, you have to sit back, and think is there enough here to keep, and audience engaged? I am sure maybe there is more to the story in the coming scenes but for now there just isn’t enough happening fast enough for me to really enjoy the story.


  1. I do think the action is picking up greatly, but I agree slightly with the thought you have about the long speeches drawing the play out. I believe that maybe because we do not have the greatest understanding of what every line means, that the speeches can feel like a lot of unnecessary words; however, I think that it is possible that if we took the time to fully understand each line, then the speeches might be more entertaining.

  2. I enjoyed Macbeth a lot more than I have enjoyed Hamlet and I believe that most of your criticisms ring true to me as well. Hamlet has been predictable to me and draws on scenes too long in my opinion.


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